Things to Do Near Haifa
Haifa Israel: Nearby Attractions
Haifa itself is full of attractions and many things to do and see, and there are also places close to Haifa that should not be missed.

Ein Hod (Photo: Talmoryair, CC BY-SA 3.0)
Some are historical and archeological sites, some are beautiful forests and parks and some are places for culture and art.
Ein Hod
The Ein Hod Artists Village is an artists colony located in a beautiful area of the Western Carmel with a panoramic view of the sea and the old Crusaders Fortress at Atlit. Ein Hod, surrounded by a grove of very old olive trees, was rebuilt on ancient ruins in 1953 by the “Dada” artist Marcel Janko.
Ein Hod is home to all kinds of artists and also a large art gallery with both permanent and temporary exhibits, a guest house, the Janko Dada Art Museum and the Nisco Museum of Mechanical Music with its displays of antique music boxes, including a piano that plays by itself.
For further information email or call (04) 984-1126.

Park Nesher (Photo: Hanay, CC BY-SA 3.0)
Park Nesher
Park Nesher (Eagle Park) has two hanging 70-meter (230-foot) long steel rope and cable bridges built only for pedestrians. Nesher in Hebrew means eagle, and that is what you feel like as you gaze down from the bridges at the surrounding terrain. The view is spectacular, as you are suspended high up over a ravine in a beautiful forest of pine and oak. In the winter when it rains, the Katia River flows through here. This is a favorite hiking place and suitable for families. Just hold tight to the hands of small children, since the bridge sways as you walk across it. There is also a children’s playground there and lovely shaded places for a picnic. This park is located between the town of Nesher and Haifa University on the northern side of Mount Carmel.
A beautiful hiking place suitable for adults and older children is in the area called Mevo Nachal Kelach “Little Switzerland.” This is part of Mount Carmel Park near the town of Tirat HaCarmel. It is one of the most beautiful spots in Israel with cliffs, dry river beds, beautiful forests and panoramic views of the sea. It is highly recommended to take a topographical map along when exploring this area.
A fascinating place to visit is Atlit, a small town about 12 miles (19 km) south of Haifa on the coast, with archeological ruins of ancient civilizations. Buried in the sea is an ancient village called Atlit Yam. There are also ruins here from the time of the Crusaders, who were driven out in 1291. The Crusader Fortress is called the Citadel of the Chateau of Pelerine, but is also called Atlit Castle and Castle Pilgrim. Today, this castle is part of a training ground for Israeli naval commandos.
In more modern times, Atlit was near the site of a detention camp where the British locked up Jews, mainly those who entered Palestine illegally as they fled the Nazis. Today this is the site of the Museum of the Ma’apilim.
While visiting Atlit, you may want to stop in at a great kosher fish restaurant there called Ben Ezra, whose cuisine is Moroccan. There are several kinds of fish on the menu and all kinds of tasty salads. It is located at 87 Harduf Street. For further information Phone (04) 984-2273.
Things to Do Near Haifa: Did You Know?
In 1945, an operation called Mem-Peh by the Palmach, led by Yitzchak Rabin, z”l, broke into the detention camp at Atlit and freed about 200 Jewish prisoners. They escaped to Bet Oren, where the British police surrounded them and planned to send them to another detention camp in Cyprus. However, Jews rushed there from Haifa in great numbers and surrounded the British soldiers, preventing the British from re-arresting them.