Ramat Gan Safari
Safari Ramat Gan
The Zoological Center of Tel Aviv – more fondly known as the Ramat Gan Safari – is one of Israel’s most popular attractions. Within minutes of swimming at a Tel Aviv beach, shopping, or enjoying a relaxing cafe experience, you can be transported right into the African savannah.
Safari Park Animals
The Safari Park Ramat Gan contains an impressive 1,600 plus animals, including African and Asian elephants, hippos, gorillas, orangutan, lions, and, giraffes, all existing together and even more exciting – many roam free. If you and your kids want to see animals in Israel, the safari in Ramat Gan is an excellent option.

Юкатан CC BY-SA 3.0
Elephant at Ramat Gan
Safari Ramat Gan Israel: History
But why was a safari park built on some of the most valuable real estate in the Middle East? The story behind the Ramat Gan Safari property is one of growth. Originally set aside as National Park property in 1951, it was meant to serve as a green belt for the new city of Ramat Gan. Two years later a small petting zoo was added. The idea for an African Safari, originally conceived in 1970, opened to the public four years later and in 1980 it continued to expand, absorbing the Tel Aviv Zoo, which had grown too large for its downtown property. Over the last 30 plus years, the Ramat Gan Safari has continued to grow in quality, earning its reputation as a world-renowned zoological park and a popular zoo in Israel.
The Safari in Israel participates in 25 international programs for endangered species and is heavily involved in research and communication with zoos and nature preservation organizations throughout the world. Cooperative gestures have resulted in sending animals to Kalkilya, a Palestinian zoo, including lions, zebras, an ostrich, and monkeys.

Mykaul CC BY-ND 2.0
Chimpanzee family
Safari in Ramat Gan: What to See andDo
The park is arranged with a zoo in the center an 8-km trail around it where many of the animals roam freely. The 8-km trial can be seen via the Ramat Gan Safari bus, for a small fee, or by driving a car. The trail starts at the African section of the zoo and ends at the lion area, which is entered through a series of gates. For safety reasons, follow the park rules not to feed the animals and remain in your vehicle with the doors and windows closed at all times!
The safari train, available during holidays, provides a 30-minute guided tour of the African section. You can even rent an electric golf cart at the park’s main entrance. A guided tour from specially trained guides is recommended to get the inside scoop about both the animals and the park; you will be taken to areas only accessible to guided tours and be provided with fascinating facts and surprising stories. For a unique method of getting around, join a special Segway tour using a lightweight, electric, two-wheeled vehicle.

Mykaul CC BY-ND 2.0
African Crowned Crane Watching the Water
For more information, call 03-630-5326/7/8
Tel Aviv Safari Children’s Activities
Inside the Tel Aviv safari is a shorter walking trail where children can experience the animals in a direct but safe manner. Information trolleys can be found throughout the zoological park, educating visitors about the elephants, wild cats, reptiles, and birds. One of the newest attractions, in partnership with the Segre Foundation, is the Gorilla Forest Reserve, which includes an educational area for the public and a protected observation point.
More in depth learning is available through the Safari’s educational programs, designed for adults, seniors, and children. School-aged children can sign up for spring and summer vacation education camps.
Animal feeding times for the monkeys, apes, penguins, pelicans, bears and deer are posted, with different animal feeding times throughout the day. For a more cuddly experience, children can visit the petting area and see goats, alpacas, rabbits, roosters, parrots, as well as ride a pony (for a fee).

Tomer Gabel CC BY-SA 2.0
For more details about admission, directions, hours and parking, visit the Zoological Center of Tel Aviv website or call 03-630-5328/7/6 for information & reservations.
Ramat Gan Safari: Did You Know?
The word ‘giraffe’ comes from the Biblical Hebrew word ‘oref,’ which means ‘neck.’ On November 13, 2011, the Safari in Ramat Gan celebrated the birth of a male giraffe, which at birth already weighed over 50 kg and was 180 cm tall.