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Category Archives: Israel

Gush Etzion
Gush Etzion
Gush Etzion – A Variety of Landscapes Gush Etzion, otherwise known as the Etzion Bloc, comprises a cluster of rural communities dotted along the Judean ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Gamla Nature Reserve Hanay  CC BY-SA 3.0Gamla-Nature-Reserve Visiting the beautiful Gamla Nature Reserve in the Golan Heights easily provides a full day of family fun ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Golan Heights
Golan Heights
The Golan Heights The tourist industry thrives in Golan Heights Israel, home of the famous Hamat Gader Hot Springs and more. Its incredible beauty and natural ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Birds of Israel
Birds of Israel
Birding in Israel There is no better country on earth than Israel for birding. Visitors arrive to observe millions of birds in migration, not to mention birds ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Swimming in the Dead Sea
Swimming in the Dead Sea
Dead Sea Swimming Mark A. Wilson  CC BY-SA 3.0Dead Sea Halite Everyone knows that a visit to the Dead Sea feels great.  But why?  The Dead ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Bedouins in Israel Traversing the desert route from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, one invariably catches sight of Bedouin youth herding sheep or goats and ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Dead Sea Mineral Hot Springs, Spas and Beaches
Dead Sea Mineral Hot Springs...
Yam Ha’melech – Sea of Salt The Dead Sea, one of the world’s incredible wonders, is not replicated anywhere on earth. Sharon Shlomo  Public DomainDead ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Things to Do in Safed
Things to Do in Safed
Things to do in Safed Israel With the help of a map and this guide, you’re well on your way to getting the most from ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0