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Category Archives: Israel

Gospel Trail
Gospel Trail
Israel’s Gospel Trail Now there’s something new for Christian pilgrims making the trek to the Holy Land: the Gospel Trail. ראמי ח’ורי  CC BY 2.5Mount Precipice ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Jordan River Baptism NJT90  CC BY-SA 3.0Jordanian Baptists Performing During Baptism Ceremony A Jordan River baptism is a must for Christian pilgrims touring the Holy ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Agritourism Israel
Agritourism Israel
Agritourism Israel Agritourism involves a fascinating array of choices that all come down to one basic concept: People are interested in learning about how their food ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Eilat Red Sea
Eilat Red Sea
Yuvalr  CC BY-SA 3.0Lionfish Eilat Red Sea Tours When thinking about Eilat, the first thing that usually comes to mind is the Red Sea or ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
ארכיון עיריית נתניה  CC BY 2.5Shaked Promenade along Northern Coast of Netanya Nathan Strauss: How Netanya Got its Name The popular coastal resort of Netanya is ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Barkan Winery Central Israel
Barkan Winery Central Israel
State-of-the-Art Barkan Winery Kibbutz Hulda Looking for a great wine tasting experience close to Israel’s center and the Gush Dan area? Barkan Wine Barrels (Photo: ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Mahane Yehuda
Mahane Yehuda
Julien Menichini  CC BY 2.0 Experiencing the Shuk The Shuk Ask any Jerusalemite: “Where’s the best place to shop?” and 9 out of 10 will ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Hiking in Israel
Hiking in Israel
Hiking in Israel Tips If you like the thought of hiking in Israel but don’t know where to start, we are here to help. We’ve ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Footsteps of the Christian Savior
Footsteps of the Christian S...
ElVacilando  CC BY-SA 3.0Hiker on Mount Tabor Trail Gospel Trail Christian pilgrims are flocking to the Gospel Trail, a 38.5-mile (62-km) hike that runs all the way from ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0
Meron in Northern Israel
Meron in Northern Israel
Oren  CC BY 2.5Torah Scroll at the Kever Meron and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Nestled up in the hills of Israel’s Northern Galilee lies Meron, ...
Feb 24, 2022 , 0